

Technology created this monster,
only technology can take it down.

The amount of child sexual abuse imagery online has exploded. Tech companies aren't doing enough to protect children online, and they're only required to report child sexual abuse material when it's reported to them.

#TakeItDown is a national campaign designed to build public support to put pressure on tech companies to proactively remove child sexual abuse content from their platforms.

WRTHY widget

The PSA drives viewers to ChildFund.org/takeitdown, a WRTHY designed microsite where the public can learn more about the dangers children face online and access resources for parents and survivors.

A unique one-click public pressure tool allows our audience to tell policymakers to act NOW. #TakeItDown is the first campaign of its kind on this issue, bringing together partners, influencers and the public to ensure all children are safe online.

“Monster” PSA
Experts discuss the devastating consequences of online sexual exploitation and abuse of children, the role of tech and the need for greater public awareness and policymaker action.
By making people aware of how much child sexual abuse material is online and pressuring tech companies to #TAKEITDOWN, we can end this crisis.
#TakeItDown launched September 12, 2023






in donated media




media impressions

The campaign garnered support from key policymakers and policy leaders including Senator Dick Durbin and the Senate Judiciary Committee. And the PSA is now part of the Department of Homeland Security’s iGuardians program to train agents and teach online safety in schools. In the first four months that the PSA has been integrated into the program, it has reached approximately 19,000 middle schoolers, high schoolers and parents. 11 victim disclosures have been made and at least one active investigation has been opened.